Not every person could seamlessly tie together the concepts of Step Therapy Reform and the Crap Gap.
You just need to leave it to A Couple.
Because to us it makes perfect sense to connect:
• A bill in the Michigan House of Representatives that will ensure people with Multiple Sclerosis can get the medications they need without detrimental delays
• The stretch between disease-modifying therapy (DMT) infusions when MS symptoms seemingly feel worse.
Seriously. We originally thought we were just run down from doing so much over the last several weeks — from traveling to Columbus, Ohio, for a Bruce Springsteen concert to participating in a Walk MS event in Frankenmuth, Dan hurting his back while transferring Jennifer, and everything else we do to make it through each day.
Then we realized we each were within several weeks of our scheduled DMT infusion. Could our exhaustion be a direct result of this supposed Crap Gap?
Speaking of DMT infusions and the Crap Gap, we capped off our busy few weeks with the virtual MS State Action Day for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society where we addressed legislation for Step Therapy Reform in the State of Michigan (Hint: MS DMTs often are the targets for step therapy).
Join us for this conversation where we tackle these topics and offer insights into how our listeners who live in Michigan can get involved in advocating for Step Therapy Reform.
Here are links to the sites we discussed in our conversation:
• Support Step Therapy Reform – Link for Michigan residents to contact your State Representative urging them to support HB 5339 so individuals living with MS can have access to their doctor-prescribed medications in a timely manner.
• What Is the ‘Crap Gap’ Between MS Infusions? – MyMSTeam article describing this experience when MS symptoms feel worse in weeks leading up to a DMT infusion.
• Talking about the Crap Gap – AnCan Multiple Sclerosis Virtual Support Group, which Jennifer serves as a moderator, recording where members discuss the Crap Gap (among several other engaging topics).
• How Springsteen softened this Wolverine to embrace the Buckeye State – Get insights into why Jennifer is emotionally conflicted after what likely is the Bruce Springsteen concert she’s ever seen… it just happened to be in Ohio (IYKYK).
• Hoyer Lift – Information about the medical equipment we used to transfer Jennifer into and out of bed while Dan recovered from injuring his back.
• Stand assist lift devices – Information about the medical equipment we used to transfer Jennifer in the restroom while Dan recovered from injuring his back.
• Frankenmuth Walk MS – Learn more about this event and how you can donate to support our team – Team MonsterS.
Remember to rate, review and subscribe to A Couple Takes on MS Podcast for two insightful perspectives on this one multifaceted disease.