This episode released on Valentine’s Day so of course it embraces a theme related to maintaining loving relationships when you or your significant other are living with Multiple Sclerosis.
Just think about it: all committed relationships present their share of challenges. Throw a chronic progressive disease into the mix, and this love connection suddenly presents a different sort of sclerotic dynamic.
This disease literally has a lot of nerve tangling up these loving relationships!
Join us as we – A Couple Takes on MS – offer our perspectives and tips into what it takes to build and strengthen a caring and committed relationship when MS (or any other challenge for that matter) tries to take the focus off the love you’re looking for or the love you and your partner share.
We talk about the places people have found love (reminder: we met at a National Multiple Sclerosis Society event) and delve into the elements that help lead to successful relationships, including honesty, empathy, gratitude, and, yes, love. Lots and lots of love.
Here are some links we reference that offer more insights into dating and loving relationships in spite of MS :
• Living Well with MS/Relationships – National MS Society article
• Young, Single, and Diagnosed With MS: Your Dating Questions, Answered – Everyday Health article
• 10 Dos and Don’ts for Dating With Multiple Sclerosis – Marriage.com article
• Intimacy and MS: Make It Your Own – MS Focus essay