Take a moment this holiday season to stop and breathe. Listen to the laughter. The songs. This silence. The stories.
A regular segment for our A Couple Takes on MS podcast is “MS in Their Voices.” This segment features the writing of MS authors who will read to you the powerful words of their personal essays, poetry and prose.
In this episode, we have compiled a collection of these featured authors who shared their writings in their voices with our listeners and us in past episodes:
• Tamara Sellman
• Tyler Campbell
• Julie Stamm
• Dan Digmann
As Jennifer said, “Grab a cup of hot cocoa (of your holiday drink of choice), pull up a chair, and settle in for some inspiring stories from these authors who are living with MS.”
Here are the links to the episodes where these segments originally posted:
Episode 41 – MS in Their Voices (Tamara Sellman)
Her book, INTENTION TREMOR is available wherever books are sold. For information or to order a signed copy, visit www.intentiontremorbook.com.
Episode 46 – Taking on real-life MS with Tyler Campbell
To learn more about and order Tyler’s bestselling book, visit The Ball Came Out: Life From The Other Side Of The Field.
Episode 54 – Taking on inclusion & MS with Julie Stamm
To learn more about and order Julie[‘s book, visit Some Days: A tale of love, ice cream, and my mom’s chronic illness.
Episode 65 – MS & why you should never stop learning
Hear Dan read his Vocation and Purposeful Action paper from his graduate leadership program, where he explains the reason why he does what he does and what he believes is his true vocation in life.