A listener recently submitted a question to us through acoupletakesonms@gmail.com wondering, “How does someone just diagnosed with MS (or even someone who has lived with MS for some time) find the courage to ask for help?”
What an incredibly insightful and always timely question, Dear Listener!
We’ve struggled with summoning such courage countless times since we each were diagnosed with MS well over two decades ago. Yes, it gets easier to ask for the help we need, but it still poses its challenges from time to time.
Join us in this poignantly personal conversation about the struggles we’ve encountered in coming to terms with having to reaching out to others for assistance. You know, those moments when the disease stands in your way of accomplishing even the once simplest of tasks. This includes everything from Jennifer requesting help to feed herself to Dan asking a coworker to button the top button of his dress shirt.
Asking for help when ya got MS? It doesn’t seem easy … at first. But it isn’t as hard as so many of us living with MS fear it actually is.
Listen as we share what has helped us to overcome our fears in asking for help, and we share our top tips to make it easier for you to find the courage to ask for the assistance you need.
We are grateful for our loyal listener for submitting this question that was such a great conversation starter!
And so we ask the rest of you out there in Listener Land: What MS-related questions do you have for us to take up in a future episode? Submit it to acoupletakesonms@gmail.com, and we will follow up with you when we plan to feature it on A Couple Takes on MS Podcast.