Heat is akin to kryptonite when it comes to many people who are living with Multiple Sclerosis. In fact, studies have shown that this “many” accounts for 80% of us all, including the two of us.
Summer officially launches on June 20, and with this season of fun and sun comes heat waves and temperature spikes that challenge many in the MS community to keep their cool.
Join us in this episode as we lead off with the heat-induced moment that prompted Jennifer to get “snippy” with Dan (which rarely ever happens!) and then open up the bag of tricks we use to tame the heat in the dogdays of summer.
Here are some heat-related links for you to follow up on:
• MS and Heat: What Heat Sensitivity Feels Like and How To Manage It – MyMSTeams article highlighting what you need to know to avoid heat sensitivity complications
• 7 Suggestions for Summer Fun with Chronic Illness – Our essay for Mango Health that provides some of our top tips for making the most of the summer while still controlling the heat
• Heat & Temperature Sensitivity – Article from the National Multiple Sclerosis Society offering insights into the reasons behinds heat sensitivity strategies to ease the effects the warm temperatures
Please send this heat article to me by email so I can place this onto our blog and into our next e-newsletter.
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