Dan and I have lived with Multiple Sclerosis for more than two decades and have had some incredible opportunities courtesy of the chronic illness. We’ve advocated in Washington, D.C., written and published a book; rode in a handicap accessible hot air balloon; and travelled throughout the country sharing our story.
Along the way, we’ve met and become friends with some of the most incredible people. This includes Julie Stamm, a quintessential MS advocate, author, mother, and all-around awesome human being.
Yeah, she’s that awesome.
So imagine how humbled we were when Julie was all in when we invited her to join us for a conversation on our podcast!
Julie was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2007. Following her diagnosis, Julie made it her mission to educate, advocate and support others battling chronic illnesses.
Join us as we chat with Julie about her life as a mother to her son, Jack, her writing projects (including the children’s book Some Days: A tale of love, ice cream, and my mom’s chronic illness), and her recent endeavor of co-creating 52 Essential Inclusion Skills – An A to Z Guide to Kindness, Compassion, and Respect for Diverse Abilities with Mind Brain Parenting’s, Dr. Jenny Woo.
BONUS: Listen as Julie reads an excerpt from her essay MS: Why I Take a Day to Grieve the Loss of the Old Me for our podcast segment “MS In Their Voices.”
Here are the links we reference for you to follow up on:
• 52 Essential Inclusion Skills – An A to Z Guide to Kindness, Compassion, and Respect for Diverse Abilities – Learn more this important card deck that equips children and adults with the language and understanding of common disabilities and illnesses.
• Some Days: A tale of love, ice cream, and my mom’s chronic illness – Learn more about the book Julie wrote following the birth of her son, Jack, based on their experiences as a mother and son and overcoming the obstacles MS can impose on everyday life.
• 7 Questions with A Couple featuring Julie Stamm – Link to our blog series where we get deeper insights from Julie into what went into the creation of 52 Essential Inclusion Skills.
• MS: Why I Take a Day to Grieve the Loss of the Old Me – Link to Julie’s Healthgrades article