Experts often describe grief in five or seven stages. If only life with Multiple Sclerosis could be so efficiently contained.
Shock. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Testing. Acceptance.
This all can happen each day before we get out of bed.
Yes, we are eternally optimistic and look on the bright side of things under the worst of circumstances. But even the rosiest colored glasses can’t see past the harsh realities we face with this progressive disease.
We still require our regular moments to mourn.
Join us for this frank and candid discussion about this very emotional topic and how even the happiest of times can blindside us to simultaneously spiral through several – if not all seven – stages of grief in a matter of minutes.
Grief is real. And so is grace, which is what we all owe to ourselves to give us the time we need to mourn in order to find the strength to rise up and move forward.
Here are the links we reference for you to follow up on:
• MS: Why I Take a Day to Grieve the Loss of the Old Me – Healthgrades article written by MS advocate Julie Stamm
• Taking on PT & exercise with Heather Schoen – A Couple Takes on MS Podcast episode featuring Jennifer’s first physical therapist and legendary Team MonsterS member
• 5 coping strategies for being diagnosed with MS – MS Focus Magazine article by MS advocate Matt Cavallo
• From the runway to Walk MS – A Couple Takes on MS Podcast episode featuring 8-year-old Maximus Miedema, one of the top fundraisers for Team MonsterS, who turned the mic and interviewed us about Walk MS
• Tips for a Positive Outlook When You Have MS – U.S. News & World Report patient advice article
• Central Michigan University Doctor of Physical Therapy – For information on the program that has done so much to support us and the National MS Society for the past 18 years
• I can’t walk, but I still Walk MS – Our blog post highlighting the images and people behind Team MonsterS and Walk MS 2023
• Team MonsterS – To donate to our Walk MS Frankenmuth team