It was easier for me to think I was being stubborn rather than admitting I was afraid.
Living with Multiple Sclerosis for 22 years will do that to you. At least, it did that to me.

I never wanted to say I couldn’t do something because I didn’t want to feel like I was giving up. Or as I saw it, giving into the disease.
Check out my current essay of Exclusive Content for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation’s MS Focus Magazine – It’s never too late to give yourself a break – to see how I learned to overcome negative self-talk and know that it is OK to take a break when I need it.
“Many times, pushing myself in the face of fatigue only succeeds in bringing out the worst of myself. I come up short in accomplishing my intended goal and find myself nothing more than weakened, irritable, and defeated. All this work to try and win one over on MS, but all I did was let my fatigue contribute to the disease’s so-called superiority.”
It’s interesting how maintaining horseshoe pits in Jennifer and my backyard made me realize that pausing for the moment provides strength needed to go another round.
Take a few minutes to read my newest essay.