Here is the reality when Dan and I write about the work we’re doing as MS advocates: we aren’t in these efforts by ourselves.
We often are joining other advocates in the MS community to make the biggest impact in getting what we need to improve all our lives in living with this chronic disease. Truly, when it comes to getting our collective voices heard, the more the merrier, er, louder.
This is why Dan and I are so excited to share this opportunity for you to learn how to use your voice and story to become your own best advocate. We are serving on a live panel with three other leaders in the advocacy community for this special free online event presented by MS Focus:
How to be an MS Advocate
• 5 p.m. EST Monday, March 21
• Host by Cherie Binns
• Register at
We will collaborate with fellow advocates Shawn Feliciano and Seth Morgan (our good friend we have connected with for years at the MS Public Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.) and discuss how you can get started on using your passion and experiences to advocate for change.

Let’s face it. I am getting close to 25 years since I was diagnosed with MS. Wow! A quarter century. So I seemingly have had time to adjust to life with MS.
Yes, I’ve gotten more comfortable with my chronic illness and its impact on my life. My husband, my family, my peers, this blog, my writing all have helped me adjust to my new reality, my MS life. All of those things also help me control this unpredictable, uncontrollable disease. Along with doctors and medication, I am making this my best possible life.
I have regained power as well. Advocacy is where I feel most powerful.
This why I encourage you to empower yourself and become an MS advocate! Register for this event and learn how to take the next step in being an advocate for yourself and for others living with MS.