In Episode 77, Dan (and he admits it) was struggling cognitively. But was his scatteredness because he was tired? Age? Doing too much? Living with Multiple Sclerosis?
In response to these questions, we can answer potentially, maybe, possibly and perhaps.
It’s hard to tell what the cause was, but MS seems to lead the pack in reasons why.
It turns out that cognitive problems are a common issue of MS, affecting 40 to 60% of people at some point in their disease course. These problems can vary from person to person. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, some common cognitive deficits include:
• Learn and remember information
• Process incoming information
• Organize, plan, problem-solve and make decisions
• Focus, maintain and shift attention
• Act on information and communicate it to others
• Find words
• Relate visual information to the space around you (accurately perceiving your environment)
• Perform calculations
Join us for this episode as we open up about the cognitive challenges we each have encountered and brainstorm (pun totally intended) about what the underlying reasons for our involuntary missteps in mindfulness.
Here are links to the sites we discussed in our conversation:
Comprehending cog fog
• What is Cog Fog (Cognitive or Brain Fog) and How to Deal with This MS Symptom – Link to Healthline article that addresses the science behind this reality and tips to see your way through the fog.
• Can Stimulants Help With MS Fatigue? – MyMSTeam article about using stimulants to provide energy and manage MS fatigue.
And then there is this (ugh, because I AM getting older)
• Many women have cognition issues during menopause – UCLA Health Q & A that provides insights and advice to a patient asking about hormone replacement therapy in dealing with menopause.
So, with MS and age, how do we keep sharp?
• Tips for dealing with memory and thinking problems – Story from MS Society UK that offers simple ways and exercises to improve your memory and thinking skills.
• How Does Cognitive Rehabilitation for MS Work? 4 Ways It Can Help – Article from MyMSTeam that highlights a type of therapy that can help boost your memory, attention, and processing of information.
Remember to rate, review and subscribe to A Couple Takes on MS Podcast for two insightful perspectives on this one multifaceted disease.