Talking about your Multiple Sclerosis can be challenging enough in conversations with your family and closest of friends. But how do you even begin to address this reality when you’re dating?
When you meet someone in person, online or through a dating app, do you disclose your MS? If no, why not? If so, when and how?
Join us in this episode where we – along with our fearless podcast producer, Ryan – dig into the pros and cons of disclosing it ASAP or taking the time to get to know each other first.
Hear the reasons why Dan wouldn’t have initially told Jennifer about his MS had he not met her at an MS event, and why Jennifer offered these encouraging words to people living with the disease:
“I wouldn’t want you to give up on your future of finding someone because you are dealing with Multiple Sclerosis. That would be sad.”
Also in this episode are our insights into successful relationships, including:
• Not making your relationship all about disease
• Always being honest
• Not keeping score
• Making a successful relationship the shared end goal between you and your partner
And stick around for Moments of Joy highlighted by the touching words of Ryan’s grandmother, a successful surgery recovery for Dan’s mom and Jennifer’s discovery of fashionable compression socks at the Laite Hebe Store online.