Multiple Sclerosis is a wild ride, to say the least.
The disease has given me many topics to cry about, talk about, scream about and write about over the past 23 years.
But never did I expect that I could have written about balloons, birthdays, caregiving, kissing and pink mouth-numbing medicine – all in the same essay.
See what I mean about a wild ride?
Here’s an excerpt from my all-encompassing essay:
“… it had been more than three whole weeks without kissing Dan. No, he was not in the proverbial dog house or anything like that. And my trigeminal neuralgia was not flaring up either. But we were not able to share the simplest purest expression of love between a couple: a kiss.”
Check out the whole story, Mylar Balloons and MS Lessons Learned By Not Kissing My Husband, that recently appeared on MultipleSclerosis.net.