Dan and I were excited, humbled and grateful that Healthline producers connected with us earlier this year because they wanted to include our story in its three-part Taking Care video series.

Healthline is an online resource dedicated to making health and wellness information
accessible, understandable and actionable so that viewers and readers of its content can make the best possible decisions about their health.
And they wanted to include us. A married couple from the middle of Michigan who both are living with Multiple Sclerosis.
“Of course!” we said without skipping a beat.
After all, it’s not every day you have Healthline film and sound crews come from New York City and Detroit, respectively, at your home to record interviews and footage for a short video about you and your husband’s caregiving life.
We couldn’t be happier with how the producer and production crew shared our story along with the other two Taking Care videos. And we are beyond thrilled to share our video and some behind-the-scenes photos with you here on our blog. All indoor photos are courtesy of Healthline.
Enjoy, and please share these videos with others to increase a greater understanding of the day-to-day realities in caregiving relationships.
Our video

Behind-the-scenes images

Fantastic video! Yea to you both!
(And happy anniversary to your “meeting day”!)
Keep moving.
Thanks for checking in and for the continued encouragement, Doug!