Keeping pace when MS keeps us busy

How is it the middle of April already?

It seems like I was just complaining to Dan about March being the longest month ever and how I was so tired of cold weather. Now, the temperatures finally are getting warmer and our neighbors’ daffodils are popping up from the green grass.

Oh what a difference a bit more than a month makes.

To be precise, it has been 47 days since we last posted and those 7 weeks sure have kept us active and consumed by all sorts of MS activity. Here’s a look at some of the highlights.


Dan, my caregiver, Jen, and I travelled to Washington, D.C., for the National MS Society’s Public Policy Conference at the beginning of March. The three of us rallied and advocated with nearly 200 other MS Activists from all over the U.S., focusing our collective efforts on advocating for MS research funding and prioritizing access to telehealth. 

It’s always great to catch up with our friends and fellow MS activists from Ohio and Washington, D.C.
Our day on Capitol Hill opened with us joining other Michigan activists to meet with Victoria Houston, the legislative assistant for our U.S. Senator Gary Peters.
Something we’ve never done before in our trips to D.C. for the Public Policy Conference: go sightseeing to the Lincoln Memorial at dusk and getting pics overlooking its reflecting pool.

The wheel deal to out-pedal MS

We barely were home from D.C. for 48 hours before heading over to Evolution Fitness to show our support for its Bike-a-Thon for MS. The event had fantastic community support and raised around $1,650.00 benefitting the National MS Society.

Stationary cyclists were in full motion for four 30-minute sessions to help raise money to support the National MS Society.
Carol Long, who is living with MS, had the honor of leading the cyclists for the final stretch of the Evolution Fitness Bike-A-Thon for MS.

Taking care of Teddy The Big Red Dog

We also sandwiched in a great visit with our neurologist in mid-March (yes, this visit was the first time Dan and I saw our neurologist in-person since the COVID pandemic began back in 2020) before we had quality dog watching time with Teddy, my brother Steve’s dog, at month’s end. I mention this largely because you need to see a photo of this beautiful dog plus his Easter photo shoot. Of course, we celebrated Easter too.

Teddy with one of his “babies”
While posing for his Easter photo was among his least favorite activities with us, he was a good sport and paused for a couple, including this one.
After getting up at 5 a.m. for sunrise service, Dan and I captured this pic before we changed into some comfy clothes and took Teddy for a walk.

My moment as a model in motion

At the beginning of April, I once again had the opportunity to roll down the runway as an accessible model in Central Michigan University’s Threads Fashion Show, Masterpiece in Motion.

What a wonderful experience! I had a beautiful custom-made garment, and my disability did not keep me from strutting my stuff. Thanks to my designer, Lauren Fulk, for creating such a lovely look, and if you ever are feeling a little less than, I suggest putting on some lipstick and a sassy outfit. Makes you feel unstoppable!! To see a snippet of me on the runway, check out this link on our YouTube channel.

After applying my make-up for my time on the runway, my clothing designer, Lauren, holds up the mirror so I could check my look.
All ready to line up for the fashion show. What a perfect time for a picture with my husband!
After the Threads Fashion Show with Lauren and the other models showing off the garments in her collection The Annunciation

After these aforementioned 46 days, it’s no surprise I need to stop for a moment and catch my breath. But in true Digmann form, no stopping.

What’s next? Columbus, Ohio, and Springsteen 😉

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